• Product
  • Thursday 25th November 2021

What is Rosetta and why is it separate from REGnosys?

Today we’ve just re-launched the affiliated website for our software product, Rosetta (rosetta-technology.io). It was quite a significant makeover so we wanted to take some time to explain why we chose to delineate Rosetta from REGnosys.

But first… What is Rosetta?

Simply put: Rosetta is a data modelling toolkit.

As a Regulatory Technology (“RegTech”) company, REGnosys’ mission is to help regulated firms comply better, faster, cheaper – together, specifically focusing on capital markets’ reporting requirements. Regulatory reporting is a massive exercise in data management, so it’s not surprising that data modelling should be at the heart of what REGnosys does. But what may be more surprising is that we chose to internalise our own data modelling solution.

There are indeed many solutions out there to do data modelling. Some existing modelling languages and standards (e.g. UML) are used ubiquitously across many industries. If you’ve ever had to deal with data or processes, you’ve probably come across diagrams like this:

So what does Rosetta do that existing solutions didn’t provide?

Regulatory reporting is a massive exercise in data management.

Specifically, we had 3 requirements which we reasoned were fundamental to the regulatory reporting problem that we’re solving for:

1. Generate and run executable code

2. Support mappings between different data formats

3. Integrate within the software development lifecycle (SDLC)

In short, existing modelling tools tended to be just that, i.e. modelling tools but nothing else. Data models produced with these tools provide specs or a guide to developing software, but they are not the software. For example, such a model may prescribe a messaging format that an API must conform to, but someone still needs to build that API. This implies quite a large bridge to be crossed, typically by developers, before producing a working software solution. To illustrate with an example from capital markets’ trade reporting: this is the difference between the ISO 20022 format specification that trade reports must be submitted into, and having a reporting solution that can connect to firms’ trading systems to produce those trade reports.

From data models to working pipelines

By contrast, our vision for RegTech is of data models that become the software itself, because they’re doing more than just modelling data: they’re modelling the logic for how data should be sourced, transformed and in turn fed into other data, again and again – until they are eventually ready to be submitted as a report to regulators.

In short, what we’re really modelling are data pipelines. And this is where we found that existing solutions were not quite up to the task. So we set out to develop Rosetta to become that complete data pipeline modelling solution.

Rosetta now fulfils our 3 fundamental requirements, allowing us to:

1. Build transparent data pipelines at warp speed (because it generates and runs executable code)

2. Integrate enterprise data effortlessly (because it support mappings between different data formats)

3. Design, build and deploy models, all in one solution (because it integrates within SDLC)

From internal tool to commercial product

Once setup with the right toolkit internally, we next turned to developing regulatory reporting solutions for our clients. And this is where we realised that Rosetta was more than an internal tool: Rosetta was the client solution.

Our vision for RegTech is of data models that become the software itself. What we’re really modelling are data pipelines.

Consider a reporting regime for a given jurisdiction and suppose a regulated entity that is able to model its reporting process end to end for that regime. End to end means (and notice how the 3 components below exactly echo the 3 fundamental requirements on which we built Rosetta):

1. building a functional model of this data pipeline where every reporting rule is expressed as a unit of logic,

2. mapping this model to their own internal data formats,

3. connecting this data pipeline to their internal production systems and deploying it within their reporting infrastructure.

In effect, this reporting entity would have delivered its compliance implementation, with a system that is ready to report to the regulators using live data.

This means Rosetta provides our clients with a reporting solution: all they have to do is model their reporting pipeline (we’ll get to how Rosetta supports this undertaking in a separate post), and Rosetta handles the rest. So this is the product we decided to commercialise.

The REGnosys vs Rosetta offerings

We’re now coming to this post’s second opening question, which is why we positioned that product as separate from REGnosys. There are several reasons for this, but the most important is the need to present the distinct value propositions that REGnosys and Rosetta respectively offer.

Rosetta provides our clients with a reporting solution. So this is the product we decided to commercialise.

REGnosys is a RegTech focusing on capital markets’ reporting requirements. We enable financial institutions’ Regulatory Operations and Compliance teams to build, run and transparently control all their data reporting requirements using standardised, programmable rules. How we achieve this, that we use a data modelling toolkit or that reporting is a form of data pipeline are not our clients’ primary concern – what they want is simply a robust and cost-effective reporting solution that allows them to comply better, faster, cheaper. In the process, REGnosys offers solutions to other industry participants: trade organisations and standard-setting bodies, regulators and market infrastructure providers.

Rosetta offers a distinct value proposition. It is a complete data modelling solution, allowing Operations and Engineering teams to manage their data pipelines’ entire lifecycle, from design to deployment and monitoring. Rosetta delivers transparency as a service by making data pipelines fully auditable and traceable.

Notice how the above description doesn’t mention the terms “regulation” or “reporting”. And look closely at the demo screenshots in this post: they concern vehicles, not trading or capital markets. As a stand-alone solution, Rosetta is also more targeted towards Engineering than Compliance users (Operations sitting somewhere in-between).

Rosetta has the potential to apply far beyond RegTech or even the financial industry.

To sum-up the relationship between REGnosys and Rosetta: in the specific regulatory reporting application that REGnosys focuses on, Rosetta is the tool that supports the client’s Engineering team to deliver the reporting systems that the Compliance team needs. But we believe Rosetta has the potential to apply far beyond RegTech or even the financial industry.

Ready to roll?

Take Rosetta for a spin. It’s on us. Sign-up today to get started.

Reporting Audit

First, map your data into CDM...

We have it covered it. All it takes is a +/- 2-day immersion workshop with your tech team to build your mappings.
As a by-product, you get a ready-to-use API to convert all your trade data

… And access your audit results on-line…

Once your trade data have been mapped, our reporting engine compares its output to your reports and analyses any discrepancy.
Analysis is developed within 6 weeks and results published into a web application.

… Through a powerful user interface

Forget static audit reports that end-up on a shelf.
Our reporting engine is available on-demand to reconcile your reporting process end-to-end and down to single trade flow, through a fully interactive interface.
Contact us

CDM Integration

We do the data mappings for you…

Just extract transaction data from your booking, reporting or any other systems, we handle the rest.
We build mappings in immersion with your tech team, as a packaged +/- 2-day workshop that includes valuable CDM training – and is fun (yes, really)!

… And deliver you a packaged output…

Forget data mapping spreadsheets and forget hard-coded translation buried deep into your code base.
What you get is a transparent, maintainable CDM translation dictionary, automatically packaged into an API to translate your internal trade messages.

… Which you can start using right away

Start using the API for testing right away. For production deployment, we offer a range of hosting options that adapt to your technology stack.
The application grows with you. Just edit your dictionary to connect more and more systems to CDM.
Contact us

Model-Driven Regulation

Bring-on the regulatory text…

Can be anything in your existing corpus, as long as it’s digestible and relatively self-contained.
The target is to deconstruct that text and reconstruct a model of the regulation in +/- 2 days.

… We’ll handle the rest…

Our team of regulatory and engineering experts works in immersion with you and guide the process from start to finish.
Our promise: some executable code running by the end of the workshop, delivered to you and ready for demonstration.

… And you’re ready to develop rules on your own

All it takes is a cross-functional team, ideally all-encompassing from policy to technology, who is open to a fresh (and fun!) approach.
The buck doesn’t stop there. Your team is now empowered to carry that project forward inside your organisation.
Contact us

Data Modelling

Take an existing data pipeline of any form…

Just choose among your existing business processes to experiment a model-driven approach in +/- 2 days.​
We can start from any kind of artefact, from XML messages down to Excel or even PDF documents.

… To demonstrate the model-driven approach…

Our team of data engineering experts works in immersion with you and guide the process from start to finish.​
Our promise: some executable data pipeline running based on your model by the end of the workshop.

… Which you can deploy within your organisation

All it takes is a cross-functional team of developers and non-developers, who is open to a fresh (and fun!) approach.​
The buck doesn’t stop there. That team is now empowered to carry that project forward and build model-based pipelines for your organisation.
Contact us